Kategoria: Nasiona ziół

PETROSELINUM hortense (Plain Parsley)

Deep green plain leaves. Generally more aromatic than the curled parsley and is favoured for use as a flavouring agent and ingredient in cooking recipes.

1,00 wył. pomiędzy

Ceny personelu
Koop 5 gram voor 1,00 per gram
Koop 25 gram voor 0,32 per gram
Koop 50 gram voor 0,20 per gram
Koop 100 gram voor 0,15 per gram
Koop 250 gram voor 0,10 per gram
Liczba pełnych pudełek
SKU: 99822 Kategoria:
Specie Petroselinum crispum Plain parsley
Seeds/gr 400
Height 25-50 cm
Synonym Parsley, plain, Plain parsley, glattblättrige Petersilie, Persil commun/plat
Description Standard strain

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Muller will not accept any liability for failure and/or damage as a consequence of incorrect and/or inexpert cultivation by or on behalf of the Buyer.”

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